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I'm happy to say that I had a very happy and active childhood. I grew up in Pasadena, southern California, which in the 50's and 60's was a nice place to grow up. It was a time when all your neighbers knew each other and visited each other daily. It was a time when on the 4th of July, we'd shut down the street for our annual block party, carry our tables and chairs out and load them up with lots of pot luck food, and then shoot off our fireworks. My mom & dad were in love, and our family was tight. We enjoyed many adventures together. My grandparents were an important part of our lives too, and I have many happy memories of our time together.

From infancy to adulthood, my parents always owned sailboats, and many of our sailing trips were over to Catalina Island, along the southern California coast and down to Baja and the islands off its coast. I learned to sail and helped crew for an occasional sailing race. The ocean and its sea life assumed an important part of my life, and my interests spread in my teens to body surfing and scuba diving. I figure in my last life, I must've been a mermaid! :o)

At 10 years old, I began my love for horses and started horseback riding lessons. A childhood friend owned a horse, and the 2 of us would bareback ride through the foothills of the San Gabriel Montains. I was a Girl Scout for 8 years, and learned much about the outdoors and camping... something I still love to do today! From a very early age, I also began my love for art: drawing, painting, crafts, etc. This carried over to my school life and became my major in college.


Once I became 19, my life was to take a drastic turn. I married my first husband and moved to Pennsylvania for a couple of years. We came back to southern California though, as we missed the ocean and the sunshine. At 23 years old, we had our first son, Jeremy, and at 25, our 2nd son, Ryan. At this time, we'd moved to the hills of Southern Humboldt County, and the two of us built a cabin on 60 acres of timberland. In 1977, it burned to the ground, and we ended up building a larger 2-story house in the same spot. I learned a lot about framing, measuring, and use of carpentry tools! We kept goats, chickens, and rabbits there, and we had a beautiful terraced vegetable garden and a fruit tree orchard. We lived there until 1981.

In April of 1981, we moved to Fortuna and lived in a beautiful ranch-style home on 6.5 acres with redwoods and pastureland. I kept an Anglo-Arabian mare, had her green broke, and took lessons again riding her. Our marriage began to deteriorate there (abuse), and in 1984-5, I went through a divorce. The house was sold, and I moved to my current little home where I've been for 21 years.

I went back to college, and got my teaching credential, and along the way, I met and married my current husband, Scott. We were married in December, 1991, and he and his son, Brendan, came to live with us. I ended up subbing for 4 years and teaching junior high Language Arts (English, Reading, and Social Studies), Computer Applications, and Web Design for 14 years. Today, I am recently retired and enjoy a quieter life pursueing my interests. Those include: photography, poetry, gardening, web design, travel, and time with my friends and our dogs.


Name: Linda Harrison
Birthday: June 30th
Heigth: 5'11"
Eyes: Blue
Favorite Colors: Blues, purples
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Chinese Astrological Sign: Dragon
Favorite Music: Rock, Celtic, Folk, Classical
Siblings: 2 sisters (I'm the oldest by 3 years)
Religion: Christian
Book Genre Favorites: Adventure, Science Fiction, Mystery, Horror, and Historical Fiction
Favorite TV Shows: Outlander, Sweet Tooth, The Last Kingdom, Longmire, Lock & Key, The Witcher
Countries Visited: Mexico, Canada, Tahiti, Italy & Sicily
Places I Want to Visit: The British Isles, Australia, New Zealand, France, and the Amazon
Political Party: Democrat
Pets: 1 cat and 1 dog
Married: 30 years