G'day Mate!
Welcome to Brodie's Spirit Page!

Much More than a Mate

"Hidden in the misty Scottish Highlands,
where the purple bells of heather gently sway,
lies the ancient wellspring of our rich endowment,
that lives in you,my faithful friend,today.

On a journey marked by love and dedication,
two centuries our fathers walked with you,
from the frost fields of northern habitation,
to the land of searing sands the Dingoes knew.

And your seed was sown with sound deliberation,
as your purpose here on earth was well defined,
for the harsh new land demanded high distinction,
sought the best of all, together in one kind.

So the fathers saw the best were brought together,
linked the ancient stock to eager working seed,
stout heartedness they gleaned from golden native,
and gave us you, our precious working breed.

Yes, you, my friend, my Aussie working canine,
with broad head, strong and muscular at jaw,
your ready ears pricked short and sharp and heedful,
your brown eyes ever watchful at my door."

~ Author - Glenny Palmer ~


Brodie joined our family at 10 weeks old. We had recently lost our well-loved golden retriever, Ginger, to cancer at 8 years old. All of us, including Shiloh, were absolutely miserable. That empty space in our hearts was huge, so we knew we needed to bring a new life into our home. After 4 months, we brought a new little puppy home... Brodie, the Australian Shepherd! Sometimes God knows just what you need, and immediately we were plunged into the funny antics and laughter that ensued!




* Created January 22, 2015 *

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